Friday 9 November 2012

Hurricane Sandy causes severe loss to US economy

       Hurricane Sandy, the super storm which recently costed USA a huge loss of wealth was creating news all over the world. The most powerful nation was damaged severely by the Storm which destroyed several cities. The total loss from the arrival of Sandy is in several billions of dollars. Only the vehicles destroyed are itself more than 260,000 in number. These vehicles however cannot be reused as they were immersed in salt water leading to absolute loss for the insurance companies. Also adding to the list are the infrastructure and transportation facilities which are all messed up at the moment and the cost for such repair and maintenance is huge. 

       Now the question is when will the victims of the disaster get their insurance claims? Well some might have already received the claim and aid by the Government. Is Global Warming a reason for this exploding hurricane? Can this kind of hurricane occur frequently in the mere future? Well its obvious that one of the reason is Global Warming and changing climatic conditions. Storms usually hit the coasts of USA, but this time the magnitude was huge and even the damage caused was very high. There is no electricity in the hurricane affected cities. The struggling US economy has now got another blow which will worsen the current economic situations. Can America come out of this loss soon? If yes when exactly? Only time can answer all these questions.